Stop Over-Thinking, Stop Over-Complicating Things!
Aren't you tired of how every tuition centre makes English seem so complicated? So many things to analyse, so much homework...YAWNZ!
If you want to make a significant change, you need to START SIMPLIFYING and STOP COMPLICATING! Read on to see if you fit my unique coaching programme!
“Before achieving my A1 for ‘O’ Level English, I was a below-average student in a neighbourhood school preparing for the exams. Back then, my English grade was a C5. At that time, my family was worried if I could even enter a JC. Fortunately, I learnt the REAL way to score in the exams from the O Level English Team. Because of my A1 for English, I managed to enter the JC of my choice!” – Min Qi
THE BIGGEST reasons why most students NEVER get an ‘A1’ for English
INCREDIBLE METHODS to answer ANY question for the Oral Paper!
How to achieve your BEST POSSIBLE SCORE for the Writing Paper!
PLUS! How to BLAZE through your Comprehension Paper with Ease!
APPLY TODAY to take advantage of a very limited time offer early-bird rate… seats are filling up fast!
Trainer & Course Seen Before on
Open to all Upper Secondary Students. This is the only English programme in Singapore proven to bring about FAST and DRASTIC improvement in results!
NOTE: Limited places for each session!
Fill out the contact form here for pricing and availability
NOTE: Once the session/timing is fully booked, we will be unable to accept any additional participants. We thank you for your kind understanding and strong support
Overview of programme
Continuing the herculean success of the Super Class Series, this year's O Level English Weekly Class™ will cover all 4 segments of the English Exam:
Paper 1: Writing (Editing, Situational Writing and Continuous Writing)
Paper 2: Comprehension (Sections A, B and C)
Paper 3: Listening (Sections A and B)
Paper 4: Oral Communication (Reading Aloud and Spoken Interaction)
This intense Weekly Class™ will cover the advanced skills and practices required for candidates to score and ace every paper of the O Level English examinations. Here are some highlights and areas of focus of the programme:
Some of the items covered:
-How to answer the examiner when a tough or unexpected question is posed. Take note: Tough questions are excellent opportunities to show to the examiner that the candidate is a cut above the rest.
-How to answer a seemingly straightforward question in a way which displays depth of thought and meticulous consideration.
-How to avoid the 3 deadly mistakes which cause most students to be stuck in the 'B' or 'C' grade for the O Level English Oral Assessment. Take note: Even students who are supposedly excellent and fluent in English do commit these mistakes.
-PANDORA'S BOX SYSTEM™. A series of advanced techniques which will enable students to speak about any given topic with absolutely no prior preparation. Professional speakers, negotiators and corporate leaders use this system to make important speeches during high-stakes and high-stress scenarios. This system is key to obtaining maximum marks for the Oral Assessment.
-Hui Yun
-Hui Ni
Some of the items covered:
-How to listen to the recording and pick out the important details. Students will be taught the STRATEGO METHOD™ of listening which ensures that they are always 100% clear of what is happening. Warning: Not being completely sure of the situation will cause candidates to lose critical marks in the O Level English exam.
-The SMART-NOTES SYSTEM™ which candidates will use to ensure that every detail in the recording is taken into account. Professional secretaries use this system to take down critical notes during extremely hectic meetings. Warning: Students using the usual conventional methods (taught in schools) will find themselves losing critical marks in the O Level English exams due to the high speed requirement of this segment.
-Pei Wen
Some of the items covered:
-The BURGER METHOD™ to structure a piece of writing in such a way where the examiners will award maximum credit for depth and clarity of thought.
-The different types of essays a student can choose to write (eg. narrative and exposition). Note: Most students are uncertain about such basics and make serious errors in their writing.
-How to avoid the 3 deadly mistakes in writing which cause most students lose their potential 'A' grade during the O Level English exams. Countless students have lost their 'A1' or 'A' grade because of these mistakes.
-Students will revisit some of the advanced techniques taught in Highlight 1. Methods such as ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT™ and PENDULUM™ will be applied to the context of writing. Just knowing these 2 methods will put a student well ahead of his/her peers in terms of content.
-The TRIANGULARITY METHOD™ to score for the situational writing segment. Students will be able to take into account the purpose, audience and context; and score maximum marks for this segment.
-The SHERLOCK'S SURMISE™ method to tackle the O Level English "Editing" segment of Paper 1. Students will be able to consistently deduce the answer for this segment and score maximum credit. Note: Students using this method will be having a huge advantage in the exam.
-Zhi Ming
Some of the items covered:
-The CART-BEFORE-HORSE™ method of reading the passage in order to answer the questions accurately in the fastest time possible (with plenty of time to spare). Most candidates find themselves unable to complete the O Level English paper comfortably because of slow techniques and habits developed in school.
-The LOCK-ON METHOD™ to ensure that questions are answered accurately and correctly. Note: Most students answer out-of-point without even realising; causing them to lose critical marks in the O Level English exam.
-A simple way to get full credit for the "Feelings flowchart" in under 60 seconds. Most students spend an unnecessarily long time to complete this segment.
-The 8 GOLDEN EGGS™ strategy in handling the O Level English summary segment. This strategy helps candidates to plan their points in a smooth and organised fashion; and at the same time scoring the maximum points. An important part of this strategy involves "rephrasing" the various points to the student's advantage.
All these and much more during the O Level English Weekly Class™! Hurry and secure your child/ward's place for this intensive and effective training programme!
Note: All training notes will be provided. Students/Candidates only need to bring along their own stationery (and a focused mind) for each lesson.
"Now, I can complete the comprehension paper in less than half the time!"
-Jun Hao course attendee
"I applied the techniques and my recent prelims saw a 3-grade jump. With more practice, I believe I can push it to an A1 and do you proud."
-Natalie course attendee
"I always used to fail my note-taking section. Now I can finally get a perfect score for it with the Super Keyword System!"
-Tian Wen course attendee
"The skills in this course can be applied to life and many other areas in the future!"
-Vivian Gan course attendee
“The Hamburger method really helps in my essay. Even my teacher says that my writing has improved a lot!”
-Jason L course attendee
“The comprehension paper was a breeze and I had an hour to work on my summary during the exam!”
-Kang Wei course attendee
“I didn’t know that there was so many skills needed to score well for English! I hope to master them well soon!"
-Jian Kern course attendee
"...I only wish I knew about this course much earlier as I learnt so many important skills on scoring for the exams."
-Harold S course attendee
"The course is very fun with a lot of interesting techniques and strategies to learn. Now I know how to tackle the comprehension and writing papers easily!"
-Qing Shen course attendee
"The biggest effect was on my topic sentences for my writing. Now I know how to write clear topic sentences in order to achieve my A1 for situational and continuous writing."
-Min Li course attendee
"I learnt how to structure my sentences in a clear and powerful way. My essay marks in school have improved a lot!"
-Leona Tay course attendee
"The Cart-Before-Horse method was really what I have been trying to do since lower sec. This course showed me how to do it the right way at last!"
-Azfar course attendee
"Using the 'zoom in zoom out' technique, I had so much to say during the picture discussion!"
-Shu li course attendee
"I can use the Advanced Techniques to answer any question, no matter how difficult!"
-Bryan loh course attendee
"Really Effective for Scoring!"
-Geraldine Li course attendee
"I now know how to structure an A1-standard essay. Also, I now know how to use powerful vocab to boost my grade!"
-Amos course attendee
"I have so many ways to handle the spoken interaction segment!"
-Sathish course attendee
"I used the 'Pendulum' technique to answer the examiner's difficult question! Super useful!"
-Nathaniel Goh course attendee
"Friends are saying I'm an excellent conversationalist after I started applying the tips to my daily life!"
-Gary Djuanto course attendee
"I managed to achieve A1 for my English and entered my top JC of choice!"
-Hui Ying course attendee
"Being a naturally quiet person, I was amazed that I could answer all of the examiner's questions and even have a good conversation!"
-Timothy Liew course attendee
"Very useful even for someone who is from a Chinese speaking family and background!"
-Yen Zi course attendee
"The Oral Segment definitely pulled my English grade to an A!"
-Meng Yun course attendee
"Very useful even for someone who is from Chinese speaking family and background!"
-Yen Zi course attendee
"A few simple tweaks to my description and the examiner looked really impressed!"
-Stephanie Huang course attendee
"Thanks for sharing all the "secret ninja" preparation tips with us. Super effective!"
-Marcus Chia course attendee
"The Oral Segment definitely pulled my English grade to an A!"
-Meng Yun course attendee
"Tips and Techniques really gave me a lot of confidence during the Oral Exam! I managed to perform even though my heart was racing.."
-Nicholas Tan course attendee
"I was really excited about the spoken interaction segment as I was already clear on what I was going to say and how I was going to say it!"
-Ying Xiu course attendee
"They really knew what the examiners were looking for and how we could display it to them.."
-Yiling Zhen course attendee
"Hey I just want to say thanks for helping me score in my English and I'm able to enter the JC of my choice!"
-Jaslyn Lim course attendee
"I came only because my parent signed me up, but I'm really glad they did because I had lost hope in the Oral Segment long ago and your tips and techniques really helped me to score."
-Zhi Wei course attendee
"You really taught me that even a soft-spoken and mainly-Singlish speaking student like myself can get good results for English. Thanks!"
-Kai Wei course attendee
"The Oral Assessment now feels like a friendly discussion and conversation, rather than an exam."
-Guo Xi course attendee
“Gained skills that I can use to tackle the last part of listening comprehension and methods on paraphrasing for summary!"
-Rosamond Ng course attendee
“I understand how to answer questions properly in comprehension and the proper skills for oral; and that English is not difficult."
-Valerie Sin course attendee
“Learnt things to take note of during reading aloud and the techniques to answer questions during spoken interaction. And techniques to score high marks within a short time!"
-Justin Kee course attendee
“I learnt how to greatly improve my situational writing and comprehension and I have a lot more confidence in my oral and composition!"
-Zaki course attendee
“I have better knowledge of how to answer comprehension questions and how to do a summary properly; as well as editing skills“
-Reshaun course attendee
“Learnt how to properly write a summary, how not to fail comprehension and how to do better in oral. My goal is to be able to fully utilise all the tactics I have learned in this course, to achieve a distinction in EL"
-Sree Lekha course attendee
“I gained strategies to score for oral and strategies on situational writing and I hope to apply what I have learnt!"
-Brandon Loo course attendee
“I now know how to write a summary and the format of situational writing; also gained the skill of answering oral questions, which is something which needs attention"
-Bai Guilian course attendee
“I really enjoyed learning how to score for the summary as I’m not very good at it. I also think I benefitted from learning about the pros/cons technique. The cart-before-horse technique helped me understand more about comprehension. All in all, I think the course was fun and interactive and at the same time I learnt a lot from it."
-Jian Kai course attendee
“I gained techniques to apply and tackle for EL P1-P4 and know how to organise points well before penning down; to grasp the gist of how the question is being posed to us and answering tactfully"
-Jia Yi course attendee
“Many tips on how to write an ideal summary and how to do better in comprehension. I also learnt new vocabulary words. Hope to improve by 3 grades"
-Sameer K course attendee
“I was always unsure of what to say during spoken interaction and how to approach paper 2 comprehension questions and was always not getting a good score for summary. I learnt how to speak for points for oral and now have a better understanding on how to approach the summary as well as the format for writing in paper 1 "
-Grace Ng course attendee
“Learnt new skills for comprehension and oral. English lessons are more interesting than I thought and English is more interesting after I understand it more"
-Ng Shu Min course attendee
“I got to learn skills like how to speak in oral, how to use literary devices and how to pick out points"
-Chereese Tan course attendee
“Gained oral, summary and editing skills"
-Calvin Liu course attendee
“With new study techniques, I have a deeper understanding of English exam components; and understanding of new vocabulary words"
-Chong Yun Fei course attendee
“I learnt how to read between the lines for comprehension question types and ways to get full language marks for the summary writing“
-Claudius Lim course attendee
“Course was informative and taught me new techniques as well as different ways to tackle questions. I am now more knowledgeable on where to focus. The techniques were presented in clear manner with helpful examples. Points were explained and solidified by examples which show how to use said techniques. Techniques taught here are more useful and efficient than methods from school"
-Brendan Tan course attendee
“I gained time management skills and learnt how to write a summary; as well as the format of situational writing"
-Kshan Pillai course attendee
“I learnt how to score with summary language skills as well as some vocabulary. Also learnt about mispronounced words for oral"
-Jodi Tan course attendee
“I did not know the answering techniques for comprehension questions and couldn’t score. After the course I learnt answering techniques for comprehension and time planning for the English paper components. Also learnt oral strategies and steps to do listening comprehension"
-Ping Yu course attendee
“I was worried about how to get better at comprehension so it doesn’t pull me down. After the course, I learnt the strategies to tackle questions that will be more efficient than previous tactics. We do not have to have 2000 words for our vocabulary but only a few that we can really master. Overall, it is the little things that matter."
-Ian Tan course attendee
“I learnt how to read to questions for the comprehension passage and how to change the format of a sentence for summary"
-Ryan Thike course attendee
“Learnt methods to answer as well as time management"
-Chen Ken course attendee
“My challenge was the different types of questions in the comprehension passage. From this course, I have learnt the challenges I have faced and how to tackle them in order to do better. I have also learnt different skills that I never thought of. Lastly, I learned what they are looking out for in compo and I will focus more on them"
-Keith Ng course attendee
“I learnt comprehension skills, commonly made grammar mistakes and how to plan for essay writing!"
-Justin Ang course attendee
“Learnt how to read the comprehension question and go straight into it! And also how to read between the lines of the passage"
-Clarissa Khor course attendee
“I was worried for summary, paper 1 and narrative text. After this course, I learnt the new techniques for summary, which we do not emphasise in school. I have also learnt the ease of writing paper 1, and not being overly complex in writing. Also, I have learnt to address and solve the questions quickly with all the relevant literary devices. I feel more confident after these modules!"
-Chua Hong Yao course attendee
“I learned the importance of time planning for the comprehension paper and how to take note of small details during situational writing. I’ve also learnt how to speak better!"
-Shi Jie course attendee
“I am aware of how to deal with inferential questions now and I am able to identify the key points for summary and rephrase the words and sentences!"
-Ee Su Ling course attendee
“I learnt about the literary devices and their meanings and how to change the words for summary and gain more marks!"
-Poh Shi Qian course attendee
“I am clearer about the comprehension types, stylistic devices and how to answer them. After the course, I am also clearer on how to properly manage my time for both compo and comprehension. And clearer on the question type on editing and how to manage the summary "
-Vernis Chua course attendee